

 Today in class we went over another poem that had a message of not growing up to fast . We also went over annotating this poem and preparing for our benchmark test . Todays lesson really put life in to perspective about how life can move quickly if you aren't living in the moment and how not having a childhood cam lead to go longing for one as an adult. I've learned that making memories is important so you'll always have something to look back on in the long run . 

2/24/23 why we should have a day off .

 Taking a day off gives us an opportunity to do something we normally don’t have the chance to do . Having a day off is not only Beneficial to our mental and physical health but it can also help us to me more productive in our work and studies . Having the day off is an important of maintaining balance in our lives and should be taken advantage of as often as possible . It allows us to relax , recharge , and reflect on our lives . Taking a break from daily routine activities is a great way to keep yourself motivated to get through every day tasks . Everyone deserves a break . 

The last night that she lived


Brainstorming:Being a celebrity (famous )


Identity Short Film Bell Ringer .

 I don’t think I really know what was actually going on in the film . I think that the masks were a representation of how people portray themselves to others and how people perceive themselves . I believe the message of the film was to be yourself regardless of everyone else’s perspective . 

Short film “the elevator” bell ringer .

 I thought the film was going to be very cringe in the beginning but, as it went on it became funnier .What I liked about the film was that it made me laugh a little when the man started to calculate the people’s on the elevator Weight, because he was afraid it would fall. The theme of the film was to not make assumptions based on appearances.